
Let's go to Florence with the tramway! 2023 Update!

On a Sunday morning we (my friends and I) go to Florence, so in the afternoon can can attend our guided tour at Uffizi Gallery. I usually go to Florence by train, from the San Miniato - Fucecchio train station. On Sundays there are a few trains. And today there is also a sport event, the Dee Jay Ten Run, so we decide to use the tramway.

Update 2023 below! 


Route map of the linea 1 of the tramway in Florence, from Villa Costanza to Alemanni - Stazione (Santa Maria Novella) We take the strada di grande comunicazione (SGC) Firenze-Pisa-Livorno, also known as FI-PI-LI in San Miniato. According to Google, from La Scuola di Furio to the entrance in San Miniato there are 9,9 kms, a 13 minutes drive. We drive towards Florence, using the Scandicci exit. From there, we follow the road signals TRAMVIA at crossroads and roundabouts, so it is easy to arrive at Villa Costanza. According to Google, from San Miniato to Villa Costanza, tramway line 1 terminal, there are 36,1 kms, a 32 minutes drive.


4girlfriends on a tramcart. We do not go out very often but we always have fun when we do! (ph: Mino Ungaro) We look for a parking space in a round square close-by. I should not write that we end up parking outside the lines maybe, even if our car dosn't block any vehicle. I have been told that on working days the parkings are full, because tramway is used a lot by commuters. I suggest that you write via delle Sette Regole and via Sassetti in Scandicci on your GPS navigator. We walk to the tracks and we need to buy our tickets. We find the ticket machine and we go ahead with the process. Each 90 minutes ticket costs 1,20 euro. My advice is to bring some coins and, if you have time, to buy already also the return tickets.


The starting point towards Florence city center, Villa Costanza

(ph: Mino Ungaro) I could not read this information anywhere, later I found calling the free ATAF phone number (800 42 45 00) that children don't pay if they are under one meter tall and if they do not take a seat and if for every child there is an adult. If an adult travels with 2 childern, also one of the kids must have a valid ticket!


The ticket validation machine on board the tram in Florence The carriages of this trams are on pavement level, so they are accessible also to people with physical disabilities. I see that the seat are not perfect anymore, they are already worn out! Well, on some days, they carry more than 30.000 persons! Route description: trams commence at Villa Costanza and run via De André - Ciliegi, Resistenza - Pantin, Aldo Moro, Nenni Torregalli - Lupi di Toscana, Arcipressi, Federiga - Foggini, Talenti, Batoni, Paolo Uccello (Arno), Cascine - Olmi, Carlo Monni, Porta al Prato Leopolda - Parco della musica, Alamanni - Stazione, Florence main train station, Santa Maria Novella. The tram service starts each morning at 5 from Stazione to Villa Costanza. The first service from Villa Costanza to Firenze is at 5.26. Trams run every 3 minutes on rush hours, every 12 at night and every 6 in other times of the day. The last tram service starts from Stazione to Villa Costanza at 00.30, while the last service from Villa Costanza to Firenze is at midnight. I read about experimental services at night, until 2 in the morning, my advice is to go on the GEST internet site for the latest news. Same old recommendations! ALWAYS remember to validate your ticket once you are on board! It might happen that the ticket machines do not work or that you are in a rush. It is possible to buy your ticket on board at a 2,00 euro price eachor to pay using your mobile phone, with a text to 4880105 (follow the instructions you find at the tram stops!). My last advice!


A DESTRA come convalidare CORRETTAMENTE i biglietti Ataf per la tramvia a Firenze   DO NOT do like I did! Validate the ticket correctly, that is on the red lily side, in the gray area!

2023 Update!

Tutte le fermate della tramvia fiorentina Linea 1 Leonardo

All the stops of the Florentine tramway Line 1 Leonardo

A lot of news! The part described above is now called Linea T1 Leonardo and has a BLUE color. From the "Alamanni Stazione - Santa Maria Novella" stop you can now reach the Careggi Hospital or change at the intersection and reach the Peretola Amerigo Vespucci Florence airport with the line called Linea T2 that has a PURPLE color. So no the Linea T1 Leonardo continues to the Careggi hospital from the main Florence train station of Santa Maria Novella with the following stops: Valfonda Stazione - Santa Maria Novella, Fortezza - Fiere e congressi (Fairs and Congresses), Strozzi - Fallaci, Statuto, Muratori - Stazione Statuto (Statuto train station), Leopoldo (Stibbert Museum), only when going to Careggi Poggetto (in the opposite direction the stop is Pisacane), only when going to Careggi Vittorio Emanuele II (Teatro di Rifredi) (in the opposite direction the stop is Dalmazia), the routes meet again and continue with the stops of Morgagni - Università (Don Facibeni) to get to the terminus of CAREGGI - OSPEDALE.

Now the length of the Leonardo T1 line is 11.5 km and the average journey time from Villa Costanza to Careggi is 40 minutes.

Tutte le fermate della tramvia fiorentina Linea 2 Vespucci 

All the stops of the Florentine tramway Line 2 Vespucci

The linea T2 Vespucci, operating since February 2019 connects the city airport to the Florence center, the train station of Santa Maria Novella, the one of Statuto and the Villa Costanza exchanger car park. The names of the stops are: PERETOLA AEROPORTO, Guidoni, Novoli - Palazzi Rossi, Novoli - Torre degli Agli, Novoli - Regione Toscana, S. Donato - Università, Buonsignori - Liceo Da Vinci, Ponte all'Asse, Belfiore, Rosselli, Alamanni Stazione - Santa Maria Novella (intersection with linea T1), UNITA'.

Now the route length of the T2 Vespucci line is 5.3 Km and the average journey time from Peretola Airport to Unità is 22 minutes.

The price of a single ticket is now 1.50 euros. If the ticket is made by SMS, the price is 1.80 euros. The single "Ataf & Li-Nea" ticket is valid for 90 minutes from the time it was validated / stamped and allows you to use trams, buses and trains for an hour and a half (inside the Florentine area) .